For sunshiny mornings or sleepy nights, play and dream with Lullabrites. Lullabrites are a light up plush that plays lullaby music that you'll love so much. With color changing lights that twinkle and shine bright and lullabies to comfort them at night. Lullabrites are the perfect plush friend you take to bed at night. Lullabrites play three bedtime favorites: Brahm's Lullaby, Hush Little Baby and Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. Lullabrites are the perfect friend during the day and comforting friend you take to bed at night.Press the button once, and Lullabrites will begin to light up and cycle through bright colors as their lullabyies play. When it's time to turn the music off, just press the button a second time and only the lights will remain on. Pressing the button a third time will turn the lights off, and the Lullabrites can be used as a regular stuffed animal. Soft & Cuddly Plays 3 Lullaby Favorites Safe Color Changing Led Lights Auto Shut Off Doubles as a Night Light
2 weeks ago
3 weeks ago